
Product donations made easy


Empowering organizations to achieve scale in their donation efforts with cost, time and effort savings.

Create and manage your donation campaigns with a one time, seamless setup on ManagedOrg’s Donative Platform.


Ready to supercharge your product donations?

    By clicking submit, I agree that I have the relevant authority to provide this information


    Key Features

    Leveraging the integration with Amazon Business, Donative offers:

    Guide to Setup

    Automate & scale your product donation campaign with 3 easy steps

    Step 1

    Register for an account on the ManagedOrg platform and complete set-up

    *Already having an Amazon Business Account established as well as understanding your preferred payment collection method (eg Stripe, Paypal etc) will expedite set up to less than 5 minutes!

    Step 2

    Create your wish lists and use our simple plug in to add the campaign(s) to your organization’s website

    Step 3

    Campaign Go Live! Donors can now add products for purchase and complete check-out seamlessly all directly from your website!

    Guide to Setup

    Automate & scale your product donation campaign with 3 easy steps

    Step 1

    Register for an account on the ManagedOrg platform and complete set-up

    *Already having an Amazon Business Account established as well as understanding your preferred payment collection method (eg Stripe, Paypal etc) will expedite set up to less than 5 minutes!

    Step 2

    Create your wish lists and use our simple plug in to add the campaign(s) to your organization's website

    Step 3

    Campaign Go Live! Donors can now add products for purchase and complete check-out seamlessly all directly from your website!





